KingFisher 2025 Escape - Boat Walkthrough

Check out the walkaround video of the 2025 Escape. This boat provides big-time features that you need to navigate directly to those hot spots plus a silky smooth ride with precise handling and comfort for that long ride back. The extended engine bracket awards you with more fishable cockpit space and thanks to these features, no two days on the water are exactly the same. With the 2025 Escape you get everything and give up nothing.

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Tim Panasiuk from Gibbons Motor Toys. Today we're going to show you the KingFisher 2025 escape soft top. We recently did the hard top. This hull is exactly the same as the hard top. There are some feature differences in the interior besides the obvious hard top, which we'll show you once we get inside the boat. But exterior wise, it's identical. So, it's a 20-foot boat. It's an eight-foot beam. It's got the engine bracket on the back. So, it's a true 20-foot hull with an extended engine bracket, which is about 28 inches long. Full reverse chines, as with all KingFisher, welded performance strakes as with every KingFisher. This has about a 16-degree variable deadrise hull. So, this is going to give you the best of both worlds. It's going to give you great performance, great steering. It's going to get up on step quick. It's going to stay there at slow speeds, and it's going to give you a nice stable hull when you're at idle or trolling stationary in the boat.

Looking at the transom of the boat. What we've got here is you can see the engine bracket. It's designed so you could put a kicker bracket on either the port or the starboard side. Looking at the KingFisher hull, again, full formed in reverse chines, right from bow to stern. The 16-degree dead rise, the performance delta keel in the center. And again, these are all the things that contribute to that nice smooth ride yet a stable hull when it's at rest.

This has the built-in swim ladder which hides underneath here. This got the sloper top that you can see that totally seals the boat. We'll pull this off in a second will show you the walk-through transom. This also has the toolbar option, which is new for this year. So, you can see there's with the base of the bar goes through here. So that's a nice feature that a lot of customers have been taken advantage of that we've never been able to offer in the past.

Okay. This boat we equipped with a 150 horse. It's rated up to two and a quarter horsepower. We sell these with 150s, 175s, 200sand 225 horsepower engines. The 150 works excellent on this hull, again any one of those engines is going to work good just because it's a fairly easy hull to move so really the only thing that you're going to gain is some top end speed as you pay more money for the extra horsepower.

This also has the step through transom which we showed you on the hardtop. Very clever design. Here's what it looks like when it's in the start position. And again, it's as simple as that. And you got yourself this great step making it a really easy to get to the back of your boat. Okay. So pretty much identical to the 2025hardtop that we showed you. This is got the rear cutting board above the live well. It's got the two holds here you put your pliers, knives. As far as the live well is concerned, it's a divided live well. It is aerated in this case that's an option. And again, it can be used for more than just fish. People that are out on the salt check will use this for crab storage as well. Storage here again really nice hardware on here. Easy slide easy lock drawer. At Gibbons Motor Toys we put a battery switch on all our boats so that you can shut that off when you're away from the boat knowing you're not draining batteries. Storage in the transom is awesome. This boat just has a single rear battery, but you can put dual batteries here very easily and access to your bilge, your pumps, your fuel filters, everything is really wide open and easy to get at.

The 2025 come with a 60-gallon fuel tank which allows room for this storage behind the fuel tank as well. So that's a good large wet storage compartment. Again, as with all our KingFishers we got the rolled edge here on these storage trays that again, make this really, really strong, easy on your knees.

It's all smooth edges. This has got the optional carpeted storage trays. So that makes just for a quieter boat, particularly when you got items that are stored in there, you have the rod grippers for your rods. As you can see, you can literally put like ten-foot rods in there with lots of room.

As we move forward, you got two 36-inch bench seats, so you got lots of storage there and here. These are the stock seats in the boat. So, this is our Fish Master seats. So, this is what comes standard. They're reasonably good seats, they're thick, they provide lots of padding, lots of cushion. They do swivel as well. And of course, you've got the 18-inch storage benches underneath them, which are an option. And the beauty of this is this is true dry storage. You can see the way the lips go overtop the storage box. These boxes are all welded completely so this boat can literally have water in it and you're not going to get any moisture in these compartments.

One key difference we want to point out between, the difference between the hard top and the soft top is gonna be that the soft top has these seats not as tall as the hard top. The hard top if you looked at that video, there's approximately six inch of a riser underneath the seats and as well as the front seats, because on the hard top, we've got aluminum that comes up approximately six inches on the gunnel so to give you that extra visibility in that boat, so the 20 foot soft top, we're able to keep things a little bit lower because we're working with the height of the gunnels.


As far as the glovebox area, same as every other KingFisher, huge glove box, I can put most of my arm right in there. We've got this basically dam that we build up here so you can put items up here. They're not going to slide off. You have to drink holders here. We've got storage up here and this is all fairly nicely finished off I don't know if you can see too well in there, but this has got all the extra canvas and everything, but this is all finished and that is dry storage up there because of the self-bailing drop bow everything you put up there is going to stay dry. We've got the aluminum checker plates here for your feet.

And then when you look at the drivers helm, there is a room for up to a 12 inch display here to be flush mounted. So, you can see we got a nine inch here. We've got the GPS puck mounted on the dash and there's room fora pile of, you know, if you wanted a VHF or a radio or stereo system or anything like that, there's lots of extra room here.

Another feature that KingFisher does, it's a real simple idea, but a lot of people just wouldn't think about it. So this slot right here is actually designed to stick your paddle in. So, you can stick a paddle one on each side. It's going to rest against the side of the boat and not in your way. You don't even know that it's there, so just a great place to store two paddles.

As with every KingFisher, we got the drop bow. We normally will paint ours so that there's less glare from sun with raw aluminum. You'll get that so the paint helps shield that. The bow is self-bailing. You got to drain holes in each corner. So, filled this with water, that water is going to drain outside the boat. You've got anchor storage up here. And really the beauty of all this within the windshield is when that windshield is closed, you are sealed. So, you're gonna have a boat that's going to work really well early in the spring, till late in the fall, keeping you warm and dry.

Hopefully you've enjoyed this video. Like always if you like and subscribe to our YouTubechannel, that's much appreciated. And thanks for watching

KingFisher 2025 Escape Boat Walkthrough


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